No Fuss No Pastry Winter Crumble

Who doesn't love a way to use those imperfect backyard apples - that takes less than 10 minutes to prep and get in the oven?

Step One

Send the kids out to collect the best windfall apples and get them to wash them in the sink.

Step Two

Cut 4-6 apples into rough slices around 5mm thick and remove the cores. Leave the skin on! It contains fibre, flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, and potassium). How's that for a good reason to skip peeling them?

Lay apple slices flat in an oven proof dish in layers. If you have them, you can sprinkle frozen berries on top. For extra sweetness you can sprinkle in a little coconut sugar.

Step three

In a saucepan, set 2 tablespoons of honey and 1/3 cup of olive oil to melt on a very low heat. 

In a bowl, mix 2 cups of oats with your choice of currants, cranberries, cornflakes, coconut flakes, or LSA (go with your instincts). Add 1-2 teaspoons cinnamon and if you like, a little nutmeg or cardamom. 

Then pour over the melted oil and honey to dampen the mix and stir lightly until there are no dry patches remaining.

Tip the mix over the apples and pat it out to an even thickness.

Bake in the oven 20 minutes at 180 or until apples are soft. (Different apple types take longer to bake).

Step four

Serve with ice cream, coconut yoghurt or cream. Left overs are perfect for breakfast the next day with a dash of milk in place of cereal.